Unimatec practices eco-friendly policies aimed to sustain the earth
by contributing with unique materials and technologies.

Environmental Principle

1.Green Slogan


2.Basic Policy

Together with our employees, we strive to make a positive impact on the global environment, maintain harmony with the local community and society as good corporate citizens, and strive to continuously improve our environmental conservation activities with the aim of achieving a sustainable society.

3.Action Guidelines

  • (1) Promote the following environmentally protective activities with thorough recognition of the impact on the environment of our developmental, design, technical and production activities, as well as our products and services.
    • a. Perform recycle and waste reduction in line with the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) for realizing a recycling society.
    • b. Promote activities for energy conservation and carbon neutrality, as a response to environmental conservation and climate change.
    • c. Reduce environmental risk by thorough management of chemical substances, and prevent environmental pollution by reduction of industrial wastes.
    • d. Provide environmental training to all employees in order to make environmental conservation activities more achievable.
  • (2) Understand the impact of our business operations on the environment. Set environmental objectives and goals within technical and financial constraints, and systematically implement and review them in efforts to continuously improve environmental protection activities and prevent pollution.
  • (3) Adhere to applicable environmental laws and regulations related to the workplace, comply with the requirements of stakeholders and the promises such as regional environmental agreements.
  • (4) Disclose information on environmental conservation and social contribution activities, and positively communicate with local communities and broader society.

April 01 2022

Hiroaki Kikuchi
Representative Director, President